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Excellent, versatile mouthpiece
-EJL- 07.08.2023
This is quite a bright, loud mouthpiece but you can really rein it in for those jazz gigs too if you have to.
The high step baffle give a nice bright tone but the large chamber give extra depth and I think that’s what allows you to play a bit darker when you want to. I noticed that a harder reed like a 3.5 really darkened the sound whereas a 2.5 gave a nice cutting edge to the sound. Perhaps it is a little too reed sensitive? It had the best response in the altissimo range of the mouthpieces I tested. I tried the 8 and the 7 tip openings. I like an 8 normally but I would choose the 7 in this case because it has immense volume and cut either way but the intonation and low end response is a little easier with the 7.
Impeccably made. I think it’s all cnc produced so I guess you don’t have to worry much about variations from mouthpiece to mouthpiece.
Overall, it’s a great mouthpiece. Try it out! I happen to really dislike Theo Wanne’s aesthetic choices but that’s probably the least important thing!
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Love this mouthpiece
Timmoesz 05.01.2022
Very bright mouthpiece, at first try it was difficult to play because i am used to play a very warm dark mouthpiece but after a while i get used to it and it played very nice and also loud love it !
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Super Ansprache, scharfer Ton.
Gunter Sax 05.03.2022
Empfehlung von Thomann. Sehr gutes, sehr teures Mundstück. Fantastische Ansprache vor allem der tiefen Töne, auch das Altissimo geht leicht. Der Ton ist mir etwas zu scharf. Ich bin dann beim Theo Wanne Gaia fündig geworden.