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Great sounding snare wire with increased sensitivity
Anónimo 13.04.2023
I purchased this for a 14" x 7" TAMA Starphonic Walnut snare which has a lovely warm tone but lacked snare sensitivity on gentle ghost notes regardless of how I tuned the reso head (presumably due to the depth of the drum). Adding this 42 strand snare fixes that completely giving great sensitivity with the lightest touch and allowing the snares to be backed off a little more than the old ones which lets the drum resonate more fully without buzz. Also has a great defined crack when hit with fuller force.
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Can't go wrong with Tama
Pipsymbol 08.02.2024
Even though many companies specialize in drum parts such as snare wires, Tama has the experience to make these perfectly well at a great price point. I used this snare wire with Mapex 6.5" Maple Snare and it really brought the snare back to life. The sound is really nice with warm and musical sizzle. And bear in mind that these are very sensitive which is expected considering that we are dealing with 42 wires. Great buy!!!
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Great for loooong sound wires
astudillojr 13.06.2023
it changed dramatically the dynamics, however, I would not choose it for all styles because the wires are too sensitive, they keep sounding longer than normal, even after full tightness...