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Pastillas con muy buenos acabados y de gran calidad, usándolas en un bajo de calidad media con un buen previo da una calidad de sonido equivalente casi a un bajo de alta gama
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Good quality but quite different from a true single coil.
TrEr 16.05.2020
First of all: I'm not a fan of bridge pickups. I leave them completely off 90% of the time and the remaining 10% I just use a tiny hint of bridge pickup to color the sound from the bridge pickup.
I got this one to combine with a SPB-1 in a PJ configuration. I specifically wanted a hum cancelling bridge pickup for this. Like I said, I don't really care much how the bridge pickup sounds. Pretty much ANY hum cancelling J-bass bridge pickup could have done what I needed. Hum cancelling was the only thing that mattered to me and I figured I would try this one as I had never actually tried a stacked J-pickup before.
For my needs it is perfect. It has enough juice compared to the SPB-1 to do what it needs to do. The soloed sound is ok if you like that kind of thin, nasal bridge pickup sound I guess. But no-one would mistake it for a single coil. It doesn't have that single coil bite. In fact, I'd say most split coil designs sound closer to a true single coil than this stacked coil design.
For my needs I'm perfectly happy with it. I'm not sure if a die hard J-bass fanatic would be though. It's not really that close to a true vintage J-bass pickup.
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Hot for PJ
Manda 08.01.2018
I use these in the Bridge position of PJ basses, paired with an SBP 1 or SBP 2, and cannot speak highly enough of them. Snarl, growl, and that classic jazz bass burp.