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Sennheiser XSW-D XLR Base Set


Sistema de radiofrecuencia digital

Compuesto por:

  • 1x transmisor para micrófonos dinámicos (XLR hembra)
  • Receptor XSW-D (XLR macho)
  • Cable de carga USB-A a USB-C
Disponible desde Enero 2019
número de artículo 452020
Precio por 1 Unidad(es)
Banda de frecuencia 2.4 Ghz
Diversidad No
Frecuencias conmutables
Antena desmontable No
Alimentación del transmisor Batería
Sistema de transmisión Digital
Canales Wireless 1
Emisor de mano 0
Transmisores de Bolsillo 1
Transmisores de conexion directa a microfono 1
Frecuencia de 2400 MHz
Multicanal No
Tipo de micrófono Transmisor plug-in
Frecuencia hasta 2483 MHz
Conector del transmisor XLR
Adaptador para cámara Si
Ancho del receptor en mm 24 mm
Altura del receptor en mm 109
Profundidad del receptor en mm 28 mm
Peso del receptor en kg 0,1 kg
Alimentación del receptor USB
Frecuencia desde 2400 MHz
Potencia de transmisión en mW 10
Número de frecuencias seleccionables 0
Estado de la batería en pantalla 1
Salida XLR
Sistema de carga Opcional
Batería Integrada 1
Mostrar más
279 €
298 €
Política de precio transparente

El precio tachado refleja el precio más bajo disponible en los últimos 30 días para este artículo.

Sin gastos de envío e incluyendo IVA.
En stock
En stock

Este producto está en stock y puede ser enviado inmediatamente.

Información sobre envíos
Previsión de envío el Viernes, 14.02.

Orientaciones sobre el espectro de frecuencias comprendido

Aquí puede ver qué espectro de frecuencias comprenden estos sistemas inalámbricos, si variarán en el futuro esas frecuencias y en qué países serán permitidas en el futuro para aplicaciones inalámbricas.

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91 Valoraciones de los clientes

4.4 / 5

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66 Reseñas

Bastante útil
@enriquedea 07.03.2019
Rango de distancia bastante bueno (eso sí, tiene que haber visual entre TX y RX). Ideal para sistemas de pértiga sin el engorro de ir cableado.

Habrá que esperar a ver cómo evoluciona la batería interna, si mantiene la autonomía actual o va perdiendo capacidad.

En resumen: Por ahora, bastante contento.
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Paco karaokke 25.09.2023
después de tener muchos problemas con micros
inambricos esto me loa a solucionado funciona perfecto estoy con tentó con su compra comprare mas
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google translate gb
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Using Multiple Sennheiser XSW-D's in a PA system.
Nick.S 23.05.2020
I use a pair of Lucas Nano 608i's to provide PA for a church worship team. The system works great and I wanted to make it super quick to set by replacing the cabling with wireless units.

When choosing the wireless components, the BIG question I had was: "Will these 2.4Ghz wireless units operate correctly when the receivers are plugged into the mixer in very close proximity to each other"?

I read many reviews, watched loads of YouTube reviews, spoke to techy people, and yet I could not find an answer which would give me confidence that it would work. So I bought five Sennheiser XSW-D Base Sets to try it out for myself.

After charging all the XSW-D units and learning about the function of the single button and LED on each unit, I plugged the receivers into the mixer XLR sockets, plugged the transmitters onto SM58 microphones, and it all works great. It could not be simpler.

I personally cannot tell the difference between the wireless versus cable performance. I’m really impressed with both the simplicity and performance of the XSW-D units, and excited to use them for real with the worship group. I can now set up the two portable Lucas Nano 608i's, with singers and instruments and be ready to go in minutes.

I also feed a separate guitar signal into the mixer using a 2.4Ghz Line6 G50, and everything works without any issue.

Each unit can operate for up to five hours on a charge, which is plenty for our worship group. However, to provide 100% confidence on it's first live outing, I will provide each singer with a K&M Smartphone holder mounted to their mic stand, to hold a VARTA Powerbank, with a short USBA-C lead to connect the VARTA to the Sennheiser XSW-D Transmitter. And similarly, I'll use a powered USB hub at the receiver side.

(I’ve since learned that a maximum of five XSW-D transmitter / receiver pairs can be used at the same time. I have asked Sennheiser if this is literally a system limit, or if it is the number that would guarantee a good performance. I’ll update when I get a response.)
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google translate gb
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Fantastic product
Razem 09.12.2019
I've used this with my Sennheiser E945 and it's just fantastic. I've tested it first during a rehearsal and then on the stage. In both cases it performed really well and I haven't noticed any dropouts even when it was in a really noisy environment (lots of Wi-Fi routers). The sound is clear and without any interference.

It's really easy to use, you just click a button on both devices and they pair. Altough it's mainly made of plastic it feels pretty sturdy.

I can't tell much about the battery life as our gigs are usually about 1 hour long and I haven't tested it all the way down to 0 %. A better battery indication would be good though.
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