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allthough looking very complex twith the suspension etc this is probably the handies tool for a moving drummer ever,..
i cannot tell you how many time i have mounted kick drums and sound differences appear with small centemeter changes of position ,..
this keeps everything in place and makes your pack up faster you do the math
i prefer to spend 1 hour 1 time and know i have a good sound instead of mounting and positioning microphones on a daily basis
great product!!!
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Muy recomendable
Julio5478 03.04.2016
Gran opción si tienes un estudio para dejar fijo el micro del bombo en la posición más óptima, eso sí tienes que tomarte tu tiempo en configurarlo porque las gomas que te vienen no te permiten cambiarla de posición después. Ya que las tienes que cortando para que te queden a la altura idónea.
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Best Mount
Hashan 15.01.2016
Great item for this price from thomann site.I did a ton of research about these mounts before I purchased one. I was hoping to find an audio sample of different mounting options but was unable to. The nice thing about the way it is designed is that it will allow you to decide how close you want to mount it to the batter head. I have a Tama Starclassic 22" bass drum which only has hardware screws near the batter head and the resonant head, there are no screws centered on the shell which reduces where you can place it, I placed mine with the Shu vertical and an AKG D112 mounted pointing directly at the beater but mounted to the screws closest to the resonant head. The sound is fantastic. You can EQ it to bring in some fundamental low frequencies and you will be golden.
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Wonderfully Helpful
FilipH 16.06.2016
After you take a better part of an hour to set it up nicely your mic will stay put and devoid of vibration. The design is simple and yet allows for numerous different combinations. I've immediately tried three different mics and they all worked like a charm. Everything looks durable and elegant. Great stuff!
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