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Great and safe case for your cello bow
Jon-Inge 04.02.2022
The case is solidly built and in addition very beautiful as well! The interior is well padded and will keep your beloved bow safe. Case itself is rugged and doesn't bend or move with pressure. Locks are not easy to accidentally open, the locking mechanism must be moved in opposite directions, which reduce the risk of accidentally opening both at the same time. Even if it is a little bit expensive, it is created to keep your bow safe! Very happy with my choice!
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Excellent cello bow case
blueveek 25.06.2017
Fantastic build quality and extremely sturdy. Rest assured that your delicate bow will very like survive most kinds of abuse.
The locking mechanism is very well thought out, easy to open yet it never opens accidentally. It's also bow shaped inside, so everything stays fixed in place.
The interior is a very pleasant red velvet, which feels nice to the touch and doesn't stick to the bow hair.
Can't go wrong with this elegant and very functional bow case.
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Bow-Case: prima Teil - als Doppelkasten wär's unschlagbar!
Manfred aus V. 04.10.2012
Der Bogenkasten ist sehr gut gearbeitet und leistet mir gute Dienste. Ein Kasten für zwei Bögen ist für den Musiker sinnvoll, da man gelegentlich Auftritte mit zwei Bögen hat. Ein großer Kasten für fünf Bögen ist dabei keine Option.
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Bonne finitions - matériau
romn 20.06.2017
Bon étui pour conserver un archet précieux à son domicile. La structure de bois est très solide et protège bien l'archet. Attention : ce n'est pas un étui léger, il n'est pas conçu pour le transport.
Les finitions sont bonnes, les matériaux sont acceptables (simili-cuir qui ne fait pas vraiment illusion, mais est lavable et correct) et le système de fermeture est simple à utiliser. Attention : il n'y a pas de serrure fermant à clé.
Les dimensions sont bonnes pour caler l'archet de violoncelle de façon appropriée.