I’ve played an Epiphone Dot Studio (an ES style guitar) for about 8 years now. It was my first guitar and I genuinely believe it’s worth more than what I got it for in most regards save for one very important aspect: The pickups. In short, they were awful.
I got this for the bridge with a Seymour Duncan in the neck to make the guitar sound as good as it feels so that when I perform, the audience will hear my instrument the same way that I experience it; as a simply fantastic guitar. With the 57 Classic Plus, I think that my Dot finally sounds as good as it can be. It doesn’t perfectly emulate a Les Paul like I was going for, but perhaps even more valuably it sounds entirely unique. I play anything from pop to metal (nothing too heavy lol) and this pickup always comes through, I’d recommend it for anyone who wants to bring their guitar to its best sound as long as they’re not looking for anything extremely heavy.
This pickup is highly versatile and it sounds spectacular.