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Un plectro liguero y aunque parezca imposible, pues es bien fino, es muy resistente, se obtiene un sonido claro y brillante, totalmente recomendable para banjo.
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RAJEVIAM 23.05.2021
El número 8 de bronce, aunque tengo también la numero 7 es consistente, para punteo es extraordinario con sonido muy consistente, aunque con el tiempo el bronce se oscurece, son buenas puas. Lo recomiendo 100%
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
At last I picked one I can use
rufusdufus 07.09.2022
So glad I found these thumb picks. I must have tried almost all that are on the market but just can't get used to them until I tried these which I undersatand were actually designed to be used on a Zither. I usually give up with thumb picks quite quickly but something about these felt more intuitive and before long I felt improvement. The beauty of them is that it's so easy to adapt them to your own preferences. The main issue I usually have is the length of the tine or whatever it is called, the actual picking bit. but with these it's very easy to alter them. I bought 2 silver and 2 bronze. The difference in tone between the 2 is quite substantial to my ear and I especially love the bronze rich tone with the silver ones being a bit more lighter in tone to my ear.