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Great sound, materials and look.
A. Onsls 15.07.2020
I was looking for an intermediate/advance violin without completely ruining myself (>10 years violin experience). I got in touch with Thomann custom support who recommended me this violin after a few questions. Very professional.
Sound: Powerful and warm. Exactly what I wanted.
Quality: Hand made in Germany / Fine materials - Just had to recenter the bridge a little. Pegs seems robust and stable so far.
Look: The Old Imitation is amazing. Truly well made. It is not printed but whole wood aspects that's been painted and it looks absolutely great. If you are not looking super close or aren't an expert, it is as if this was a 50+ years violin.
Price: For the price, I thought I really had exactly what I needed. I've been really happy about it.
The minus? The only minus would be that it doesn't come with a case or a bow for a 1000EUR violin. I would recommend Thomann to offer this service on such instrument. Also wish there were more information on the violin's maker on the website.
Conclusion: Highly recommend this model if you like warm and powerful sound + great antique looks. Great experience so far - Hopefully the quality of the parts will maintain for many years.
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Super Klang
Playit 13.12.2020
Als ich diese Violine ausgepackt habe, war ich schon Feuer und Flamme. Als ich sie dann gespielt habe, war es klar: Dieses Instrument gebe ich nicht mehr her.
Für das nächste Konzert ist die Sandner das Instrument der ersten Wahl.
Ergänzung: Leider war sie doch nicht durchsetzungsstark genug. Sie musste einer anderen Violine Platz machen. Vielen Dank an Thomann für das 30 Tage Money Back System.
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Degu007 23.09.2022
Sehr schöne Violine, sehr ausgeglichener Ton und wunderbar zum musizieren.
Üben regelmäßig mit ihr und bin jedesmal begeistern, welche wunderschönen und kräftige Töne sie erzeugen kann.