I got this speaker to use with a Grossman iso cab in my home recording setup. I had tried several other bass speakers with this cab with rather poor results. I decided to try this one because the specs and the description on the Eminence website suggests that it should work fine in small cabs.
And it does! My bass (amp/mic) home recordings went from rather poor to some of the best bass sounds I've ever recorded! And this was using the same Grossman cab as before, just with different speakers. Using just DI never sits quite right with me but now I can finally get some decent bass recordings with DI+amp at home.
In fact, I now find my bass home recordings of more or less equal quality to the bass recordings I do at my studio. Different, but that's more because of the different amps I have available at each location. I mean, it probably wouldn't be the smartest idea to use a Hiwatt DR201 or an Ampeg SVT going into this single speaker at home. But using 50w vintage tube bass amps into this speaker in the iso cab sounds GREAT. Every bit as good as recording my bigger amps into Bergantino cabs and such in my studio.
Highly recommended for iso cabs (and probably a great speaker for other small enclosures as well)!!!