I bought this to replace a P90 on my Reverend Sensei and I have to say I'm not convinced it's the improvement I was looking for yet.
Initially, the sound was really poor, with literally no power and generally sounding very anaemic. I played around with raising the pole pieces and things did improve greatly to the point where I was much happier. Suddenly it had power and a real bite. However, I'm still having problems with balancing the sound across strings with some string volumes really overpowering others. I think I can sort this by more fiddling with the height of the pole pieces but I've not had a chance to do this yet.
If I can get the volume balanced across strings I'd be inclined to give this 4 stars but with the caveat that IMO it really only does one sound, high gain rock/metal. If you're after something with more nuance or vintage tones I'd look elsewhere.