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Celestion Alnico Gold 12",15 Ohm


Altavoz de guitarra

  • Diámetro: 12"
  • 50W
  • Impedancia: 15 Ohm
  • Made in England
Disponible desde Agosto 2012
número de artículo 208985
Precio por 1 Unidad(es)
Impedancia 15 Ohm
Capacidad de carga 50 W
Tamaño del altavoz 12"
Potencia 50 W
Mostrar más
275 €
Sin gastos de envío e incluyendo IVA.
En stock
En stock

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Información sobre envíos
Previsión de envío el Viernes, 14.02.

21 Valoraciones de los clientes

5 / 5

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20 Reseñas

MARIO KLT 02.04.2020
Estos altavoces los he montado en una caja Marshall Vintage 1936 de 2 altavoces que venía equipada con Celestion Vintage 30 y el cambio es espectacular. Ahora suena mucho mejor ahora para pop y para rock clásico. Sonido muy dulce con cuerpo para rítmica limpia o overdrive y para muy bien para lead en limpio o con efectos. Va bien en todo y el tono es clásico a tope. Muy buena compra totalmente recomendable. El sonido del altavoz no es muy brillante pero se soluciona fácil poniendo un poquito más de "treble" en la equalización del amplficador y se consigue un tono cálido precioso.
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el mejor altavoz jamas fabricado
Yolanda P. 25.06.2013
si te gusta el blue alnico y quieres conseguir el mitico sonido de los miticos vox pero te falta cuerpo y potencia este es tu altavoz,50 watios d puro cuerpo y 100 db los cuales hacen q el sonido de este mounstro sobresalgan y den vida al amplificador,es caro ssi pero en esta empresa lo encontraras a uun precio realmente competitivo...
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google translate gb
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
takes your rig from LoFi to HiFi
AQ_1 16.05.2019
Imagine a drawing made in paint, then one in Photoshop. That's the difference. At least on the clean channels.
i watched plenty of reviews online as well, but I can't even begin to say what a difference it makes in real life.
The biggest difference you will hear, is like i mentioned on the clean channel. Not even debatable - it's way better than anything, except maybe the Blue Alnico (that, i feel has 5% better sound, but less Watts - so up to your priority).
Distortion is a different story - you may like the Vintage 30 sound (an excellent sound of course) or you may like the Gold Alnico, which is a detailed sound. even the fuzz is more HD, which creates the sensation of a very "clear" distortion. if you use 90% driven/high gain sounds, stick to the Vintage 30s or the similar ones from the G series, but if your repertoire is predominantly on cleans, or maybe you just care for a more HD sound, by all means, go for the Gold Alnico - the biggest change in sound you'll get for the money - right up there with upgrading your tubes.
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google translate gb
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Anze 19.04.2016
I have Bogner OS 212 and had installed V30s in it. The sound was OK, nothing special, with a "spike" that V30s are famous of. Then I swapped V30 for Scumback J75/BM75 combination, sound was improved over the V30ties, but still a little too boomy lowend was present and bought another pair J75/BM75 to install all of them to Bogner 412...Then I went to pursuit a perfect combination of the speakers for my 212 box....I noticed this beauties on the net, tried it in person on other amp and it was a love at the first sight/tone...I was looking for a speaker for pop/rock/country style of playing/music and after ordering it at Thomann and installing it in mentioned box, they really started to sing....And the most exciting part was, more the amp was loud, more musically rich sound was becoming. You just simply need to try it to believe your ears...If I would have to buy speakers for my 2x12 box, I would definately go with a Golds....
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