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Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Excelent material for anyone learning to read.
MrSadman 26.04.2021
This book can be applied to any instrument, not just for drums.
I started to learn reading and this book has been open on the music stand for almost all of my practice sessions. Open up a random page and play your warmup exercises in the rhythm that you are reading and your rhythm reading will improve in a matter of weeks. Starts out easy enough and builds to more complex rhythms in a good pace. It is one of the most recommended books that is written in this style, and I really can't find any fault with the contents so far. The only problem with the book is that it is not spiral bound, but you can sort that out at your local library or printing service.
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
The Holy Grail
Anónimo 20.02.2016
A great book for developing the fundamentals of reading music. The exercises are varied, getting harder as you continue through the book. It should be in every musicians bookshelf if you want to being reading music.