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Dunlop Tortex III Riffle 1.14 Pack



  • Tortex III riffle
  • Players pack with 12 pieces
  • Thickness: 1.14
  • Colour: Purple
Fås siden Maj 2011
Artikelnummer 262245
salgsenhed 1 stk
Thickness 1,14
Delivery Quantity 12
56 kr
Inkl. moms. Obs! Yderligere fragtomkostninger 60 kr
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Afsendelse forventet onsdag, 18.09.

227 Kundebedømmelser

4.7 / 5

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87 Anmeldelser

Passer perfekt til mig
Anonym 27.06.2016
Jeg har brugt denne slags plekteret siden jeg kan huske, de har skiftet farve igennem årene men altid holdt samme standard. Nu er det lidt forskelligt om mange dem riflet eller hvor logo os skrift er trykket ned i plekteret. Foretrækker det sidste faktisk. De holder i lang tid, selvom de bliver brugt et par timer om dagen, og tip den pris kan man jo godt skifte dem ud lidt oftere. I forhold til andre mærker og slags er dem her at foretrække da de, i mine øjne, er lavet i bedre kvalitet end mange andre mærker. Om det er 1.14 som jeg bruger eller tykkere eller tyndere så er Dunlop plekteret de bedste.
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Gode plektre
Anonym 07.10.2016
Gode plektre med en fin tykkelse. Det er en bonus for mig at de er lidt mere spidse end standardplektrene.
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google translate gb
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
My favorite picks
Veon 27.04.2017
Picks are extremely subjective components within a guitarist's rig.
But for sure there are somethings that you hopefully want in a pick, and if these things are matching with my needs, then probably you'll love these picks too.
What i do want in a pick, is enough grip but not too much that will compromise your freedom and comfort in moving your pick in between your fingers, I like pick big enough to allow most of the side of my thumb and the index finger to have a good grip and surface to lean on, long enough to pick the string without my fingers touching the strings and I especially want a pick that does not die after half song!
Even though I play fairly hard, they are very long lasting pick, extremely comfortable for my needs and they are solid enough to give a super tight attack when I pick WITHOUT bending!
Perfect picks for electric guitar, but personally I love them on acoustic too.
I wouldn't use only in the case I'd want to play a soft strummed acoustic set.
For the rest, awesome picks.
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google translate gb
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
Not bad at all but not my thing
Anonym 22.06.2016
As a professional session guitarist picks are very important to me. I ordered these to give them a little try and they were interesting but not my thing!

I currently use the Ultex 2.0 sharps. These arn't far off these but have a softer feel to them. The sharps are more shaped as well and have smoother edges and these are a little bit... flat.

When you pick square onto the string they sound quite clacky and you get some good attack - it just isn't that practical to pick like this all of the time. I tend to vary my picking style depending on the type of music that i am playing. Sometimes i pick sideways and sometimes i use hybrid. You can use these for either of these styles of playing and it sounds fine, just isn't my thing.

These may be a nice alternative for followers of the Jazz 3. They have the Jazz 3 size and shape and feel familiar but sound different as they are stiffer than the Jazz 3 reds.

They look really cool! Because they are bright purple you can easily find them when you drop them which can save you some money in the long run.

The material is very hard so they won't wear down quickly with lots of use. If you are like me i like to make my picks last for ages and these certainly last a long time before they went blunt and dull.

They aren't too expensive as far as picks go so stock up if you like these

Look cool
Sound good for certain styles
Familiar Jazz 3 feel
Built well and durable
Good value for money

Down to taste whether you like these or not
Flat shape means they are a bit cumbersome

These are good sounding picks, it's subjective to whether you like them or not!
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