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Dunlop Jazz III Nylon Sharp Red 6PC


Jazz III Nylon Sharp Picks

  • Thickness: 1.38 mm
  • Colour: Red
  • Set of 6 pieces
Fås siden December 2001
Artikelnummer 151449
salgsenhed 1 stk
Thickness Extra-Heavy
Delivery Quantity 6
49 kr
Inkl. moms. Obs! Yderligere fragtomkostninger 60 kr
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Forventet levering mellem onsdag, 18.09. og torsdag, 19.09.

419 Kundebedømmelser

4.8 / 5

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192 Anmeldelser

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I've been using them for over 11 years.
Alchemist_ 20.10.2023
I've been using them for over 11 years.

At first, I played with large triangular picks that my teacher made. They quickly wore out and one day the supply of picks ran out. I went to a local store and was interested in trying something else.
They gave me a certain number of picks in the store, I bought a certain number, and in the end I had about 10 or 12 different picks, and there were also 2 handmade picks.
Among these mediators was “that red one,” and we haven’t parted since then. I bought all the stock they had in the store.

And now, I just decided to replenish my stock and bought 2 packs.
I'm glad they're still selling them now.

They take a very long time to wear out, even with very intense play.
I'm a rocker! But they are suitable for any style of music and any mediation technique.

The only caveat is that if you have a large hand or very thick fingers, it will probably be small for you..
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Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
My favorite despite its flaws
Funeral Musician 06.12.2021
They do not have the most secure of grips, their points wear off faster than those on some of their counterparts, and what I dislike the most about these picks is that they often have molding marks around the perimeter. Sure, they can always be removed by rubbing the edges of the picks across the carpet, but Dunlop could have polished them in the factory. However, despite all of the flaws, they are still my favorite picks. Nylon has a distinct tonal quality, and if you like what it does to the tone, there is no other choice but to accept the disadvantages of this material. And if you are worried about the slightly smaller size of these picks, I can say that it did not take long for me to adjust to it. Unless you have very large hands, you should not have any problems. Personally, I found that their slightly smaller size forced me to concentrate more on my picking precision and thus made me a slightly better player.
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Bis heute meine Lieblings Picks
Kantholz 21.06.2021
Diese Picks begleiten mich schon seit über 8 Jahren, doch es wurde endlich mal Zeit neue zu kaufen da die alten doch irgendwann abgerundet sind und für meinen Stil(Metal) nicht mehr den scharfen Klang hatten wie früher. Ich konnte sie jetzt auch mal mit Horn Plektren vergleichen und diese Plektren konnten mich einfach nicht überzeugen, nach 7 Monaten waren sie komplett abgenutzt.

Der Grip ist von allen Plektren die ich getestet habe immernoch der beste.

Diese Plektren sind auch für Leute mit Wurstfingern wunderbar zu halten und das sage ich aus eigener Erfahrung.

Preis/Leistungsmäßig kann man absolut nicht meckern.
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google translate gb
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
Great plectrums!
Anonym 10.05.2016
I have an epic plectrum collection which I amassed over the years. I sat down and played with all of them, and decided on the ones I liked the most, one of which was the Jazz 3 XL. Obviously different styles or songs may require different thicknesses, but I lean towards the harder end of the scale for my typical playing (blues, rock, shred, metal, jazz, lead and rhythm).

After reading many good things about these picks I decided to order some, not realising they are the smaller version and not the XL! I was a bit worried at first as they felt tiny! However it only takes a few minutes to adjust to these. I picked up a regular sized pick afterwards and it just didn't feel right! The XL and all my other picks feel too large now, still usable, but large, clunky and cumbersome. I used them properly for the first time in an hour and a half rehearsal and even though I was worried it would fall out of my hand it didn't, and my hands get a bit sweaty from time to time!

Great pick. My XL has lasted years with only minor wear, I can only assume these are just as durable! Excellent choice for many styles!
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