I needed some new closed back headphones for vocal recording and mixing since my old 770's had died. For som years I used the audio-technical ATH-M40x.
But MAN, these DT 700 Pro X are just revealing SO MUCH more in the mix that I promise you the ATH-M40x simply didn't. For instance, there was a place in the vocal recording where I hadn't cut off the last part of the part where you hear the "click" from the space key stopping the recording and/or the sound of the mic cable scratching the floor or table og whatever.
The other headphones just didn't reveal this flaw – but it became obvious right away with these DT 700 pro x. It seems to have a far superior separation of frequency areas and sound stage. And this I just one (small) example. I still need to run it though its paces over to the next few weeks (only used it for some days), but so far it has given me some very important info as to where my mixes need to be corrected (or where do to entire re-recordings of parts of tracks).
For casual listening, by the way, they are also super crisp and balanced. So far: highly recommended. Will make changes to this review if anything changes.