Learn another instrument at 30? Start now!

Learn another instrument at 30? Start now!

Think it’s too late to learn? Never! People who are 30+, read this for motivation…

My First Instrument – Pre-School

My First Instrument – Pre-School

Get your kids started early on music, it has more benefits than you think! Read on…

My First Instrument – Ages 10 & Up

My First Instrument – Ages 10 & Up

As your child reaches the teens, many things change. To keep up with them read on…

My First Instrument – Elementary School

My First Instrument – Elementary School

Your kids are growing fast, and so is their appetite for music making! Here are some gear tips for your elementary schoolers…

Making Music – Lefthanded!

Making Music – Lefthanded!

Interesting facts about left handed musicians and why they need special instruments…

8 fun facts about the mysterious earworm

8 fun facts about the mysterious earworm

An earworm: that catchy tune that haunts you for hours to days on end.

Playing & singing at the same time – tips & tricks

Playing & singing at the same time – tips & tricks

It’s not easy to play and sing at the same time! Here are some tips from a pro…

Le sampling: histoire, context et plus encore
A Brief History of Sampling

A Brief History of Sampling

The art of sampling in music has an interesting history, read all about it here…

7 tips for buying your outdoor PA

7 tips for buying your outdoor PA

Need a PA system for outdoor use? Look no further, this article explains what will suit you best…

Cabling Your Home Studio

Cabling Your Home Studio

You home studio can quickly become a tangled mess of cables. Here are tips on how to avoid this!